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Packages overview

Work permit

To work and live in the Netherlands, a work permit is necessary. The specific type of permit you need to apply for will be determined by your individual circumstances.

What we do

• Initial Assessment Call
• Informing on rights and obligations
• Collecting Documents
• Submitting the Application
• Monitoring and following up the submitted application
• Scheduling appointments
• Keeping track of permit expiry dates

Various types of work permits available

• GVVA: single work and residence permit
• Highly Skilled Migrant residence permit
• ICT: intra company transfer
• Short term work permit: procedures with UWV (labour authority)
• European Blue Card
• Renewal: extension of current work permit

Our efforts, your benefits

We ensure a smooth and efficient process to obtain work permits, allowing you to focus on your professional goals while we handle the complex procedures and regulations for you. Trust our expertise for a successful and stress-free experience in realizing your career aspirations in the Netherlands.

Get started!

Would you like to receive more information or a quote?
Then please contact us via: info@relocation-holland.nl | 0031 70 387 17 15.

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Other immigration services packages

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  • Mandatory (residence) permit for trainee or apprentice postions in the Netherlands
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Search year in the Netherlands

  • Mandatory (residence) permit for those graduated at a Dutch university and looking for work
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Schengen visa

  • Mandatory visa for traveling to the Schengen area